BDAA-2017, Ensemble Barynya at the 39th Balalaika and Domra Association of America conference, Holiday Inn Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Musicians of Barynya Balalaika Trio and Russian dancer Alisa performed 60 min concert during the Balalaika and Domra Association of America (BDAA) 39th conference in Virginia, USA. Concert took place on Thursday, July 20th, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Alexandria Old Town, 625 First Street, Alexandria , Virginia 22314.
Contrabass balalaika player Leonid Bruk, Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), and balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina played classical music, performed Gypsy and Russian popular and traditional songs and dances. Dancer Alisa Egorova performed Russian dance "Metelitsa" (The Snowstorm) and Russian Gypsy dance "Dark Eyes".
Singers, dancers and musicians of Barynya ensemble performed at the conventions of BDAA (Balalaika and Domra Association of America) in 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Popular Soviet song "I will take you to tundra" was written by Mikhail Plyatskovsky (lyrics) and Mark Fradkin (music) was performed by musicians of Barynya for the first time on July 20th, 2017 during Balalaika and Domra Association of America (BDAA) 39th conference in Alexandria, Virginia. Elina Karokhina agreed to play this song only if she would be able to add a few lines from her favorite traditional song from the Eastern Mediterranean region called "Misirlou". Leonid Bruk is responsible for adding short bass solo by "Deep Purple".
На конференции в Александрии состоялась премьера новой композиции ансамбля «Барыня» - популярной советской песни «Увезу тебя я в тундру» (автор слов Михаил Пляцковский, музыка Марка Фрадкина).
Watz No.1, Op.83 by Auguste Durand - 1-й Вальс Огюста Дюрана
First Waltz in E-flat Major, Opus 83, No.1 written by Auguste Durand (Marie-Auguste Massacrie-Durand), a French organist, publisher, and composer of classical music, July 18, 1830 – May 31, 1909.
«Первый вальс» Аугуста Дюрана это блестящая по виртуозности и мелодичная пьеса, многим известная как «Вальс Дюрана». Французский композитор Огюст (Аугуст) Дюран был известен не только как композитор, но и как основатель известного французского музыкального издательского дома A. Durand & fils., выпустившего, например, впервые произведения Равеля, Сен-Санса и Дебюсси.
"Sabre Dance" - a movement in the final act of Aram Khachaturian's ballet Gayane (1942), where ballet dancers display their skill with sabres. It is Aram Khachaturian's best known and most recognizable work. Middle section of the Sabre Dance is based on Armenian wedding song. According to Tigran Mansurian, it is a synthesis of an Armenian wedding dance tune from Gyumri tied in a saxophone counterpoint that seems to come straight from American jazz. - «Танец с саблями» — музыкальный отрывок из балета Арама Хачатуряна «Гаянэ» (1942). Самое известное и популярное произведение Арама Ильича Хачатуряна. "Непокорное и шумливое дитя", - так сам Арам Ильич называл пьесу, которую он написал за один вечер по просьбе Нины Анисимовой, постановщице балета "Гаяне". Отдавая балетмейстеру ноты, композитор в сердцах написал на них: "Черт возьми, в угоду балету!". Позже Хачатурят говорил: "Честное слово, если бы я знал, что он (Танец с саблями) получит такую популярность и начнет расталкивать локтями остальные мои произведения, я бы никогда его не написал!".
White Acacia's Fragrant Flakes - Белой акации гроздья душистые
"The White Acacia's Fragrant Flakes" by Alexander Shalov and V. Basner. Концертная пьеса Александра Шалова для балалайки на тему романса «Белой акации гроздья душистые», музыка Вениамин Баснер, текст Михаил Матусовский.
Variations on a Theme of Corelli in the Style of Tartini - Вариации на тему Корелли в стиле Тартини
"Variations on a Theme of Corelli in the Style of Tartini", composer Fritz Kreisler, arrangement for balalaika by Pavel Necheporenko. «Вариации на тему Корелли в стиле Тартини», композитор Фриц Крейслер, переложение для балалайки - Павел Иванович Нечепоренко.
Composer of original concert piece for balalaika called "Felt Boots" (Валенки) Alexander Shalov who was an author of most influential and popular music ever written for balalaika. Musicians of Barynya added a few own touches to Shalov's amazing work. Это произведение было написано Александром Борисовичем Шаловым, автором многочисленных произведений, лучших обработок, и переложений для балалайки.
Idea to create "World Music Balalaika Medley" belongs to Mikhail Smirnov, artistic director of Barynya Trio however final version was made by all members of the Barynya trio: Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk. Elina Karokhina. Идея исполнить это сложнейшее «Поппури» принадлежит Михаилу Смирнову, руководителю ансамбля Барыня, однако в составлении окончательного варианта композиции приняли участие все музыканты: Элина Карохина, Леонид Брук и Михаил Смирнов. Впервые «Поппури» было исполнено на конференции БДАА в Сарасоте, штат Флорида.
Kamarinskaya arrangement was made by Russian balalaika player, teacher, conductor and composer Aleksandr Borisovisch Shalov (1927-2001). Alexander Shalov was teacher of Elina Karokhina at the St. Petersburg's State Conservstory. Elina was a first performer of several pieces written by Mr. Shalov. Аранжировка «Камаринской» была написана Александром Борисовичем Шаловым, выдающимся композитором для балалайки, педагогом, исполнителем, создателем Ленинградской (Петербургской) высшей профессиональной школы исполнительского мастерства на балалайке.
Niccolo Paganini Caprice No 24 - Паганини, 24-ый каприс
Balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina plays Niccolo Paganini's Caprice No 24 in A minor. It is the final caprice of Niccolo Paganini's 24 Caprices, and a famous work for solo violin. It is widely considered one of the most difficult pieces ever written for the solo violin. Caprice No. 24 consists of a theme, 11 variations, and a finale. Most likely it was composed in 1817. Balalaika has only three strings compare to four strings of violin. It makes it much more difficult to perform. Only a few musicians in the world are capable of playing Paganini's Caprice No. 24 (arrangement by Pavel Necheporenko) on Russian balalaika. This video was recorded and edited by Leonid Bruk on Thursday, July 20th, 2017 during concert at the BDAA-2017, 39th conference of the Balalaika and Domra Association of America in Virginia, USA. Concert took place at the Holiday Inn Alexandria Old Town, 625 First Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA. «24 Каприса», написанные Паганини на одном дыхании, это вершина творческого наследия гениального скрипача и композитора. Финальный 24-ый каприз настолько сложен и виртуозен в исполнении, что это понятно любому несведущему в музыке слушателю. В превосходном исполнении Элины Карохиной звучит величайший шедевр непревзойденного итальянского виртуоза на русской балалайке, изготовленной ленинградским мастером Голинисом в 1936-ом году. Элина Карохина исполнила Вариации на тему 24-го каприса Н. Паганини для балалайки соло в переложении Павла Нечепоренко на 39-ой Конвенции BDAA (Американская ассоциация любителей балалайки и домры) в городе Александрия, штат Вирджиния (США) 20-ого июля 2017-ого года. Видео записал и обработал музыкант ансамбля «Барыня» Леонид Брук.
Балалаечник на приёме у дантиста - Balalaika player at the Russian dentist
Балалаечник, который разучивает вальс «Бабочка» Василия Андреева, на приёме у дантиста. В этом шуточном произведении музыканты ансамбля Барыня использовали музыку вальса «Бабочка» Василия Васильевича Андреева, стихотворение Михаила Ножкина «Если зуб разболелся вдруг», а также музыку песни «Если друг оказался вдруг» Владимира Высоцкого. Видео было снято на конвенции BDAA в городе Александрия, штат Виргиния в июле 2017 года. Элина Карохина (балалайка), Леонид Брук (контрабас балалайка), Михаил Смирнов (гитара, вокал). Идея сыграть этот номер возникла у Михаила Смирнова, руководителя ансамбля Барыня. Как раз в это время музыканты готовились к очередному концерту и разучивали вальс отца русской балалайки Василия Андреева "БАБОЧКА".
Если зуб разболелся вдруг,
Если боль невтерпеж, так что ж,
Ты тогда не кричи - лечи,
Существуют врачи
Ты к врачу на прием бегом,
Прямо в кресло садись - держись,
В общем как на себя самого
Положись на него
Если врач не мастак, а так,
Понимает в зубах, не ах.
Если сразу не разберешь,
Плох он или хорош...
Ты не сразу за дверь, проверь,
Не бросай одного его.
Пусть он даже не в зуб ногой,
Будешь знать кто такой.
Ты врачей не брани, они
Хоть кричи не кричи - врачи.
Ты не знаешь с каким трудом
Получают диплом!
Но бывает средь них иной
Пусть хоть стаж не ахти какой,
Но такому, как он палачу
Зуб любой по плечу.
И когда ты к нему больной,
Пусть он был и хмельной и злой,
И твой зуб из последних сил
Материл, но тащил!
И неважно, что был он груб,
И что вырвал здоровый зуб.
Ты не сразу поймешь, не вдруг -
Это истинный друг.
Balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), Russia. She began her formal training at the Mussorgsky Music College of St. Petersburg and continued her training at N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory, earning a degree as an Orchestra Soloist. She continued her training at the Conservatory, which included a brief residency in Germany. After, she returned to her native St. Petersburg and completed her education, earning a Doctor of Musical Art Degree in balalaika. Following her graduation, she began working as a musician, both as a teacher and as a performer. Elina served in the Russian Army as a soloist of the Northwest Order of Red Stars Military Ensemble. She has toured all over the world (Germany, Austria, Sweden, Danmark, Cyprus, Spain, France, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Finland, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Mexico, St. Thomas, Bermuda, Indonesia, Bali) playing her balalaika that was made by famous musical instruments maker Galinis. When she moved to the United States in 2009 she was hired as a musicial director and soloist with the biggest professional Russian music, song and dance ensemble Barynya (New York). In January 2015 Elina Karokhina was selected to perform the balalaika part with Mariinsky Theatre directed by famous Russian conductor Valery Gergiev in Rodion Shchedrin's opera "The Enchanted Wanderer" at the Howard Gilman Opera House in Brooklyn, New York. In May 2016 she was hired to play six concerts at the Carnegie Hall in New York City as a part of "Orchestra Rocks" international event. In September 2016 he appeared at the Carnegie Hall again as a part of "Moscow Gypsy Army" ensemble representing rich musical culture of Eastern Europian Roma people. In January 2017 Elina was hired to play Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh" Suite at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. with the National Symphony Orchestra. All four performances were under direction of world-famous conductor Sir Mark Elder. Recently Elina was invited to perform as a Honored Guest Artist for the Balalaika and Domra Association of America 40th Jubilee Convention that will be taking place in Philadelphia in July 2018. In 1994 Elina was one of the winners of international competition "Kubok Severa" of folk musicians in Cherepovets, Russia. In 1996 she won the First Place of Troyanovsky's Competition of musicians performing on traditional instruments in St. Petersburg (Russia). Elina was invited as a special guest for the Gloden Ring of Russia 1993 Balalaika and Domra Association of America convention. She shared the stage with Alexander Tsygankov, Valeriy Zazhigin and Mikhail Sheikhman for the concerts at the "Rossia" Concert Hall in Moscow (Московский концертный зал "Россия") and at the Saint Petersburg's State Capella (Государственная академическая капелла).
Acclaimed New York based contrabass balalaika player Leonid Bruk (Russian: Леонид Кимович Брук) was born in Leningrad, Russia. Leonid was graduated from music school as a bass guitarist and performed with many different groups in Russia, Israel, and the United States of America. In 1996 he joined Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya. Since 1989 when he arrived to USA, Leonid Bruk was deeply attracted to the bass-balalaika and contrabass balalaika. He has played with variuos folk groups including Tamara Volskaia's "Russian Souvenir", Mandolin Orchestra of New York and soon become known expert in Russian folk music. His specialty is playing balalaika bass and balalaika-contrabass.
Mikhail Smirnov was born in Moscow, Russia. Mikhail is an artistic director and founder of ensemble Barynya based in New York City, author of many articles about traditional Russian dance, music and instruments in English and Russian. Mikhail received his Master's degree from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. As a child, he was a member of the famous "Moscow Boys Chorus" - one of the most prestigious all-male choirs in Russia. Before coming to the United States in 1991, Mikhail was a soloist in a several Russian folk dance and music groups including the Moscow State Center for Russian song, "Russkaya Pesnya", under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina. Mikhail Smirnov and dancers of ensemble Barynya were featured on national TV, NBC's "SUPERSTARS OF DANCE" - breathtaking international dance competition led by executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Simon Fuller (American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance). This prestigious dance competition hosted by Michael Flatley ("Lord of the Dance") and Susie Castillo, a former Miss USA. Mikhail Smirnov was one of eight judges to decide which country will win. The show premiered on NBC network. Ensemble Barynya is a world renowned group that enjoys exalting stature as the premier Russian folk ensemble outside of Russia. Under direction of Mr. Smirnov ensemble Barynya has become the most requested Russian folk song, dance and music company outside of Mother Russia.
Musicians, singers and dancers of ensemble Barynya are available for hire for Performing Art Centers, school assemblies, festivals, colleges, libraries, concert halls, restaurants, private and corporate events as one powerful ensemble or in smaller groups.
11-08-2012. School assembly at Pleasant Valley Elementary School in Harrisonburg, Virginia
On Thursday, November 8, 2012 around 1:30pm Mikhail, Elina, and Erik presented 45 min assembly program at Pleasant Valley Elementary School, 215 Pleasant Valley Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.