Ded Moroz and Snegurochka showed up during New Year's Celebration at the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in New York City on Saturday, December 12th, 2015. Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan was at the time located at 240 East 39th Street, New York, New York. One hour program with games, magic and fun was provided by two members of Russian song, dance, and music ensemble Barynya: singer and garmoshka player Mikhail Smirnov (Ded Moroz), and balalaika player Elina Karokhina (Snegurochka). Ded Moroz was singing Russian winter songs and playing the garmoshka (Russian folk button accordion). Snegurochka (The Snow Maiden) was playing interactive games, singing, smiling a lot, dancing, and playing the balalaika, Russian mandolin like string instrument.
12-28-22. New Year's celebration in Connecticut - празднование Нового года в Коннектикуте
Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, and Baba Yaga presented one hour New Year's program for kids and their parents in Greenwich, CT on December 28th, 2022. Дед Мороз, Снегурочка и Баба Яга приехали поздравить детей и родителей в частном доме в городе Гринвич, штат Коннектикут.
12-07-22. New Year's 2023 celebration in Brooklyn - празднование Нового года в Бруклине
Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, and Olaf presented one hour New Year's show for kids, their parents and employees of the kinder care located in Brooklyn. Olaf is the new addition to Ded Moroz show introduced to the audience in December 2022. Olaf is a fictional character from Disney's "Frozen" franchise, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Olaf is an inanimate snowman created by Elsa and Anna in their childhood. Дед Мороз, Снегурочка и Олаф (англ. Olaf) — основной персонаж диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма 2013 года Холодное сердце и его продолжения 2019 года - поздравили детей, родителей и сотрудников десткого садика в Бруклине. Олаф впервые был представлен в Шоу Деда Мороза в декабре 2022-ого года.
Frozen Princess Themed Girl Birthday Party with Elsa - Эльза и Олаф на дне рожденья в Нью-Джерси
Elsa amd Olaf provided one hour entertainment during girl's birthday party at the park in Secausus, New Jersey. Frozen Princess was the most favorite character of the Birthday girl at the time. She was so happy to see Elsa at her party. Elsa amd Olaf are both a fictional characters from Disney's "Frozen" franchise, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Эльза и Олаф (главные герои компьютерного полнометражного анимационного фильма студии Disney «Холодное сердце») приехали на день рождения к девочке в парк в городе Сикокус, штат Нью-Джерси.
01-02-2022. Празднование нового 2022-ого года в Нью-Джерси
Артисты Шоу Деда Мороза выступили на новогодней ёлке в воскресенье, второго января 2022-ого года. Дед Мороз, Снегурочка и Баба-Яга приехали к двум часам дня в город Эдисон, находящийся в округе Мидлсекс, штат Нью-Джерси. Программа визита с новогодними песнями, хороводом, загадками от Деда Мороза, викториной, весёлыми играми, вручением подарков и фотосессей длилась примерно час. Дети и взрослые с удовольствием смотрели шоу и принимали в нём участие: отгадывали загадки, выбирали ответы в юмористической новогодней викторине, танцевали, пели, читали Дедушке Морозу стихи, пели песни, играли на музыкальных инструментах, вообщем, каждый показывал, кто что приготовил.
12-15-2020. Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, Russian KinderCare, Brooklyn, New York
Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga provided three back-to-back performances at the Russian KinderCare in Brooklyn, New York. There were three small groups of Russian and non-Russian speaking kids. Third and first programs were performed 100 percent in Russian. The second set was fifty percent in English, and fifty percent in Russian. Each program ended up with gifts from Ded Moroz and photo session with each child.
Dedushka Moroz, Snegurochka, Winter Queen (Snezhnaiya Koroleva) in Downtown Brooklyn
Dedushka Moroz, Snow Maiden, and Winter Queen (Snezhnaiya Koroleva) showed up during unformal corporate holiday party for law firm in Downtown Brooklyn. The event took place at the restaurant Fortina located in Albee Square shopping center (Fulton Mall, Brooklyn's original retail destination), exact address: 445 Albee Square W, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Employees of the company enjoyed gifts distributed by Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, they loved live New Year's music, khorovod dancing, lots of Facebook and Instagram photos with popular Russian Winter Characters. For the khorovod and singing Russian favorite New Year's songs Ded Moroz played garmoshka when Snow Queen used the Russian folk instrument balalaika. This was the second time for brand new colorful valenki, and red costume for Ded Moroz. Сверкающий голубыми огнями обновлённый посох Дедушки Мороза чуть не был случайно оставлен в ресторане. Хорошо, что Снегурочка вспомнила, и вернула важный атрибут Новогоднего праздника забывчивому дедушке.
Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Snezhnaiya Koroleva, North Brunswick, New Jersey
Russian Father Frost Ded Moroz, Snow Maiden Snegurochka, and Snezhnaiya Koroleva (Snow Queen) made a home visit in North Brunswick, New Jersey to celebrate Russian New Year on Friday, December 20th, 2019. This was the first time for brand new red costume purchased in St. Petersburg, Russia in June 2019. The company already performed for this group of kids and adults before with Baba Yaga, dedushka Moroz and Snegurochka. For that reason performers introduced totaly new show with all new games. Также впервые была использована новая колонка на батарейках, которая позволяет воспроизводить на ней музыку с айпэда без проводов (через bluetooth) - очень удобная штука!!! Обновлённый и улучшенный посох Дедушки Мороза сверкал голубыми огнями...
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka at the wedding reception, Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, Virginia
Russian characters Ded Moroz and Snegurochka showed up during Russian wedding at the Key Bridge Marriott Arlington VA. Bride and Groom never expected visitors by Russian fairy tales characters at their wedding reception that took place on January 3rd, 2014. Exact address of the venue: Key Bridge Marriott Arlington VA, 1401 Lee Hwy, Arlington, VA 22209.
Snegurochka, or the Snow Maiden is one of the main character of Russian folklore and an essential part of Russian New Year's celebrations. The origins of Snegurochka are contradictory. The roots of this feminine character can be found in Slavic pagan beliefs. On the photos below {Photo credit Yuriy Balan} dancer of ensemble Barynya from Brooklyn, New York Alisa plays the role of Snegurochka.
01-12-2013. Ded Moroz Show at Oleandr restaurant in Brooklyn
Russian folk characters "Ded Moroz", "Baba Yaga" and "Snegurochka" provided 1 hour show during New Year's celebration at the Oleandr restaurant in Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY on January 12th, 2013. Exact address of the venue: 410 Brighton Beach Avenue (bet 4th and 5th Brighton). Дед Мороз, Снегурочка и Баба Яга приняли участие в новогодней ёлке в ресторане Олеандр на Брайтоне 12-ого января 2013-ого года.